The Gezondheidsmonitor offers participants a great opportunity for comprehensive, high-quality health research. Our full team of experts is ready to assist you throughout the process.

In addition, the entire Primary Care Zone of Ghent is involved in this research. They support healthcare providers in Ghent and work closely with the City of Ghent to create an effective, accessible, and quality primary healthcare system where the citizen is at the center.

We take the responsibility of conducting research on your samples very seriously and it goes through an ethical review process. An expert medical team reviews and confirms research questions, and it is determined by this team which results should be communicated.

If you wish to receive and discuss these results, you can do so through the professional team of the Gezondheidsmonitor. You can also choose to share your results with your trusted healthcare provider. In most cases, this is a general practitioner, but it could also be a psychologist, therapist, nurse, pharmacist, or community worker. All of this is discussed with the interviewer when you provide your consent for the Gezondheidsmonitor.

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Your participation makes a difference: for you and your community. The Health Monitor is an opportunity you can’t afford to miss.


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