You will need to answer quite a few questions. This can be done during an interview at your home, or you can choose to answer the questions online at your own pace. The questionnaire is designed to provide a complete picture of you as a person and your lifestyle and environment.

For example, we would like to know:

  • Where were you born?
  • Do you have children?
  • Have you always lived where you currently live?
  • What kind of work do you do, or how long have you been retired?
  • What do you eat every day?
  • How do you get around?
  • Who do you share your home with?

In addition, questions are also asked about your physical or mental activities, eating habits, any physical or mental complaints, and what your week looks like.

The results of the interview tell us more about the living and living environment, home situation, and socio-economic circumstances of our participants.

More questions

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Your participation makes a difference: for you and your community. The Health Monitor is an opportunity you can’t afford to miss.


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