Sarah De Saeger

Full Professor at the Centre of Excellence in Mycotoxicology and Public Health in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
“I have been passionately involved in researching mycotoxins in our food and their effects on our health for years. However, these contaminants are just one of the many substances to which we are exposed as humans. The Health Monitor will enable us to map all exposures and their health effects, ultimately allowing us, through targeted preventive actions, to help people age healthier and fitter.”
Marthe De Boevre
Professor of Clinical Mycotoxicology at Ghent University
Lies Lahousse
Professor Pharmacist-Epidemiologist at Ghent University and Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Anton De Spiegeleer
Geriatrician at UZ Gent, head researcher TRIGG
John Crombez
Researcher in health economics and lecturer at UZGent, UGent & UHasselt.
Bruno Volckaert
Professor at IDLab-UGent-IMEC specializing in scalable and reliable cloud-based software systems
Carl Lachat
Associate Professor at the Department of Food Safety, Quality, and Nutrition of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Elke Berneel
Biobank Manager at UZGent
Greet Cardon
Full Professor and Department Chair at the Department of Movement and Sports Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University.
Jan Dhaene
Communication Coordinator for the City of Ghent
Matias Pulópulos Tripiana
Master's degree in Psychogerontology & PhD in Neuroscience
Mirko Petrovic
Geriatrician at UZ Gent.
Patrick Santens
Neurologist at UZ Gent, responsible for the subdiscipline of movement disorders, and Full Professor within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Pieter Van Coillie
Policy Advisor Health Tech – Department of Economy, City of Ghent.
Rudi De Raedt
Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ghent University.
Sanne Stegen
Coordinator of the research consortium GRAY (Ghent University Research for Aging Young)
Sofie Van Hoecke
Associate Professor at IDLab, a research group of Ghent University and imec
Tess Goessens
Postdoctoral researcher active at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ghent University.
Leen Van Zele
Staff member of health policy, Health and Care Coordination Service, City of Ghent
Mauro Van den Ende
Doctor specialist in training in urology at UZGent
Miche De Meyer
Coordinator of the Sleep Clinic AZ Jan Palfijn Ghent